My Two Basic Rules

Today I will share with you two basic rules for looking flawless every day. First, match your entire outfit. Although is kind of obvious and probably everybody tries to do this, your outfit it’s more than just your clothing it is also your accessories!!! Your shoes, necklace, bracelets and even your sunglasses, all of these are part of your outfit, so pay attention to them ;). Second, smile :) This is one of the most important accessories and is completely free and I'm 100% that is worth it. You still don’t believe me? Give it a try, get in front of your mirror or take a '"selfie" smiling and you will see the difference. Give it a try, seriously!


Hoy  les voy a compartir dos reglas básicas para lucir fantásticas cada dia. Primero, combina tu vestuario completo. Yo sé que es algo obvio y posiblemente todo el mundo lo hace o intenta hacerlo, pero combinar tu vestuario no es solo elegir los colores de la ropa, es tambien poner atención a los accesorios!!! Tus zapatos, tus collares, brazaletes, incluso tus gafas de sol, todo es parte de tu look, asi que presta mas atención a ello ;). Segundo, sonríe :) Este accesorio es uno de los mas importantes y es gratis. Te garantizo que vale la pena. Si aún no me crees, pruebálo tu mismo y paráte frente al espejo o tómate una "selfie" sonriendo y verás la diferencia. Pruébalo, en serio!

Sweter / American Eagle
Shorts / Forever 21
Shoes / Steve Madden (
Necklace / Target

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